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Protected bike lane in Seville

A new book explores how cities can transform their mobility systems and solve the issues created by classic, car-centric mobility policies through the integrati...

15 Mar, 2021

According to a study by the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy published last week, 281,000 people were employed in the different sectors o...

17 Feb, 2021

On 12 November, the European Investment Bank (EIB) Board of Directors approved the institution’s new Climate Bank Roadmap. The new strategy sets out how the EIB...

18 Nov, 2020

In the wake of the COVID-19 crisis, a growing number of national, regional, and local authorities in Europe have turned to cycling as a mobility solution...

29 Oct, 2020

According to the latest market report from CONEBI, ECF’s partners in the bicycle industry, e-bikes remain strong drivers of growth in an otherwise stable EU bic...

17 Jul, 2020

Cycling as a resilient and healthy mode of transport has received a lot of attention in media and politics during the last weeks. The first available data from...

23 Jun, 2020

While more and more cities all around Europe are putting in place pop-up bike lanes or reducing speed limits to give active mobility more space and make it safe...

11 May, 2020

More and more municipalities and federal states in Germany and Austria are promoting the purchase of private and commercial cargo bikes. A new overvie...

28 Apr, 2020

Just as many other businesses across Europe and the world, the sectors of the cycling economy are hit hard by the coronavirus crisis. However, a large majority...

20 Apr, 2020

Cycling is an important component for shaping the mobility of the future. For municipalities of all sizes, more bicycle traffic means less congestion, less nois...

02 Oct, 2019

After the successful experience of last year’s Velo-city conference, ECF and its global network Scientists for Cycling decided to continue integrating a researc...

28 Jun, 2019

New winner in the 2018 edition of ECF's German member organisation's ADFC Bicycle Climate test: For the first time, Karlsruhe is the most bicycle-frie...

30 Apr, 2019
