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Since the Velo-city 2020 Ljubljana Preliminary Programme was launched in December 2019, the world has changed. The coronavirus pandemic has hit our lives, our e...

11 May, 2020
"Cycling Oxford" by Tejvan Pettinger (CC x 2.0)

Author: Maya WatsonOn March 26, in the midst of the COVID19 crisis, the United Kingdom’s Department for Transport (DfT) rel...

07 Apr, 2020

The revised Directive on Road Infrastructure Safety Management (RISM) has been published in the Official Journal of the European Union [1]. The European Cyclist...

12 Dec, 2019

ECF, in cooperation with 15 other organisations, calls for the establishment of a new European Parliamentary intergroup to address topics on Sustainable and Saf...

07 Nov, 2019

The European Commission released its latest figures[1] for the road fatalities across the EU last week. In 2018, there were around 25,100 fatalities in road acc...

09 Apr, 2019

We had a talk with Ginny Sullivan who will speak in the Cycling Tourism Plenary at Velo-city 2019 in Dublin this June. Read on to find out more about her work a...

02 Apr, 2019

Author: Dublin City Council “I think the bicycle has done more to emancipate women than any one thing in the world. I rejoice every time I see a woman ride by o...

06 Mar, 2019

2018 has been one of the best years yet for ECF’s advocacy team; heading into 2019 we really feel like there has been a sea change in thinking on transport poli...

17 Dec, 2018

“Achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 through a socially-fair transition in a cost-efficient manner” – This is the key sentence in the European L...

28 Nov, 2018

For over twenty years the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) has been a cornerstone of EU transport policy. It should come as no surprise therefore that E...

26 Nov, 2018

The European Commission has been working on proposals to update its 10 year old regulations on Road Infrastructure Safety Management (RISM) and ECF has been pus...

20 Nov, 2018

The Partnership for Urban Mobility held last week a high-level political discussion on the draft Urban Mobility Action Plan in Karlsruhe, Germany [1]. This draf...

14 Mar, 2018
