ECF has started work to put cycling into a number of platforms and initiatives that will be needed for Smarter Cycling to become a reality. This is the beginnin...
Krakow, Poland. ECF Went to Poland recently for the TRA conference where health policy officer Dr Randy Rzewnicki presented How to calculate the positive impact...
It’s that wonderful time of year again. ECF partner ISCA (the International Sports and Culture Association) is currently hosting their 5th annual Move Week. Mov...
A new institution is born to check on the levels of physical activity the French population gets. It presents thereby a great opportunity for collaboration with...
The Potential for Dramatically Increasing Bicycle and E-bike Use in Cities Around the World, with Estimated Energy, CO2, and Cost Impacts. Cycling pla...
Yesterday’s (3rd February) decision by the European Parliament on Real Driving Emissions leaves cities and it’s people suffering from dirty air in the cold...
Since its introduction, the HEAT tool has been seen as a valuable tool to help countries better understand the positive impact that cycling can have. Understand...