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ECF has, along with 13 other organisations, sent a letter to the President of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani, calling for a ‘strong and timely’ respons...

15 Mar, 2018

On January 22nd ECF attended an executive symposium on road safety at the European University Institute in Florence[1]. The symposium was organised jointly by t...

23 Jan, 2018

ECF welcomes a European Parliament report[1] voted in plenary today that calls on the European Commission to make ground-breaking safety technologies compulsory...

14 Nov, 2017

This week The European Commission announced at the Motor Vehicle Working Group that it is delaying the proposal on Vehicle Safety Regulations until at least Mar...

03 Mar, 2017

The European Commission (EC) has released its long awaited report on safety testing procedures for all new motor vehicles. These are new regulations that could...

23 Jan, 2017
