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While more and more cities all around Europe are putting in place pop-up bike lanes or reducing speed limits to give active mobility more space and make it safe...

11 May, 2020

Just as many other businesses across Europe and the world, the sectors of the cycling economy are hit hard by the coronavirus crisis. However, a large majority...

20 Apr, 2020

CONEBI and ECF call upon all EU Member States to allow bicycle repair services to continue throughout the COVID-19 crisis, provided that all necessary health pr...

23 Mar, 2020

Impressed by the €12 billion generated by the cycling sector in Italy, Il Sole 24 Ore, the country’s leading financial newspaper, gathered the top cycling exper...

12 Nov, 2019

Tourism is one of the world's largest economic sectors, supporting one in 10 jobs (319 million) and generating 10,4% of GDP globally. And cycle tourism, generat...

27 Jun, 2019

Presupposing financial and regulatory priority for cyclists, experts predict e-bike sales to rise to 30 million. Due to an astonishing market upsurge of more th...

28 May, 2019

In its annual assessment of the economic and social situation in the EU, the European Commission set out first ideas as to how EU funds can help Member States w...

27 Mar, 2019
Photo: ECF Secretary General Dr. Bernhard Ensink

The ECF brings attention to the concrete benefits of cycling at the PEP Relay race workshop held in Rimini, Italy. On Friday, November 9th, 2018, the Secretary...

13 Nov, 2018

Thursday’s session on cycle tourism showcased experiences from around the globe. The first presentation by Anna Gurnhill, Global Operations Manager at CycleLife...

15 Jun, 2018

The session on cycling and the economy brought together contributions that took a global view on the economic benefits of cycling, with concrete examples and ca...

15 Jun, 2018

The Scientist for Cycling session on the second day of Velo-city focused on studies around the cycling economy. The first session was opened by Luiz Saldanha fr...

14 Jun, 2018

Here’s a quick round up of items cycling around in the ECF health arena. The EU seeks your input on how to make cities healthier places to live with more walkin...

19 Feb, 2018
