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Happiness and health were the focus of today’s opening plenary, kicking-off another day dense with insights, ideas, inspiration, food for thought. The World Hea...

26 Jun, 2019

Day two of Velo-city 2019 will start with an engaging discussion on the importance of being happy and healthy! The World Health Organisation is increasingly sha...

29 May, 2019

(Image Credit: Sport & Citizenship) PACTE project’s Active Education Workshop was held in Berlin on the 21-22 February 2019, bringing together a diverse gro...

26 Feb, 2019

The HEMA Project Kick-off meeting was held in Paris, France, on January 14-15.  Ten partners from seven countries met to pave the way for an exciting new p...

25 Jan, 2019
Photo courtesy of Fáilte Ireland

The Velo-city 2019 theme of Health & Social is about people and examining the role cycling plays in delivering for the health and wellbeing of all citi...

08 Jan, 2019