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RISM Directive for Cyclists - Interview with ECF Advocacy Director Adam Bodor

  Mr. Adam Bodor, Advocacy Director of the European Cyclists' Federation (ECF), touches upon the current status of the EU Road Safety Management Directi...

04 Feb, 2019

The International Federation of Pedestrians (IFP), the European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF) and the Federation of European Motorcyclists’ Associat...

25 Jan, 2019

For over twenty years the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) has been a cornerstone of EU transport policy. It should come as no surprise therefore that E...

26 Nov, 2018

The European Cyclists’ Federation’s “Future Cycling” Conference was a highlight of the Brussels’ Week of Cities and Regions, and brought together high profile p...

18 Oct, 2018

ECF has, along with 13 other organisations, sent a letter to the President of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani, calling for a ‘strong and timely’ respons...

15 Mar, 2018

As global passenger mobility is expected to rise by 50% by 2030, it is becoming increasingly important to integrate different modes of transport to create a mob...

15 Jan, 2018

ECF welcomes a European Parliament report[1] voted in plenary today that calls on the European Commission to make ground-breaking safety technologies compulsory...

14 Nov, 2017

In December 2016, the European Commission proposed a revision of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive with the overall view of increasing the energy ef...

19 Jul, 2017
Committee on Transport and Tourism with the Commissioner Elżbieta Bieńkowska

On the 11th July 2017 ECF was invited to the meeting of the European Parliament’s Committee on Transport and Tourism and a separate meeting with Antonio Tajani...

13 Jul, 2017

120 participants talked and practiced cycling at the Big Bike Event, jointly organised by the transport teams of the Permanent Representations of the three Bene...

29 Jun, 2017

Breakfast meeting to discuss what progress has been made in getting an EU Cycling Strategy integrated into Commission policies

06 Jul, 2016
