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Brought to you by our sponsors Arup, Eco-Counter, Geveko Markings and JobRad, the European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF) is proud to introduce this year’s inaugura...ECF launches new ECF Awards, proudly sponsored by Arup, Eco-Counter, Geveko Markings and JobRad. The awards aim to promote the best practices in cycling in recent years,...

17 May, 2022

The #VisionaryCities Series is a collection of best practices and success stories from local authority leaders in Europe working for better, safer and more comm...Prague is set to make record investments in cycling this year, dedicating expenses towards better infrastructure and a new cargo bike depot. Officials are counting on cyc...

02 Jun, 2021
New data reports a 47% increase in cycling in Scotland

Between March 2020 and March 2021, 47% more cycling journeys were recorded in Scotland compared to the same period the previous year, according to data released...New data reports a 47% increase in cycling in Scotland from March 2020 to March 2021 compared to the previous year. Local cyclists accredit this growth to more cycle-frie...

30 Apr, 2021

On 11 February 2021, the Irish National Transport Authority (NTA) announced it will be investing €240 million in cycling and walking infrastructure this year, a...Ireland has doubled down on its commitment to more cycling, dedicating €240 million towards cycling and walking infrastructure in 2021. The announcement follows well...

03 Mar, 2021

Cycling confirmed as favoured transport alternative in the Hungarian capital as more citizens recognise the benefits of the bicycle. Record breaking stats...

09 Feb, 2021

The #VisionaryCities Series is a collection of best practices and success stories from visionary local authority leaders contributing to making cycling in Europ...

28 Jan, 2021
Example of AI hazard analysis

Cycle AI wins first place at the first ever European Cyclists’ Federation Hackathon, organized in association with the European Institute for Innovation and Tec...

09 Dec, 2020

RD Cycle Solution win third place at European Cyclists’ Federation’s first ever Hackathon, organised in association with the European Institute for Innovation a...

23 Nov, 2020

The European Cyclists’ Federation and the European Institute for Innovation and Technology’s (EIT) Urban Mobility department call...

23 Nov, 2020