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Data on infrastructure is required to make transportation systems more environmentally and socially sustainable. As we believe that cycling is a key element for...This year, ECF has once again explored the potential of using OpenStreetMap (OSM) to quantify cycling infrastructure across Europe. Our tool, Quantifying Europe’s Cycling...

28 Jul, 2023

UPPER’s mission is to strengthen the role of public transport in achieving sustainability and innovative mobility in cities. It will do so by implementing a ser...Since the beginning of the year, ECF has been involved in a new Horizon Europe Project - UPPER: Unleashing the Potential of Public Transport in Europe.

19 Jul, 2023

More and more countries all over the world are realising the tremendous potential of cycling and are drafting strategic plans to unlock it. While these plans va...Commitments to increasing active travel often look nice on paper, but are governments actually committed to doing what is necessary to deliver on their goals? While Wales...

19 Jul, 2023

A 2015 study from Montreal showed that half of all bicycles stolen are from ‘fly-parking’ locations (i.e. locations not intended for bicycle parking, such as la...The lack of safe and accessible bicycle parking is one of the main barriers to regular cycling, the most-energy efficient of all transport modes. Bicycle theft is a major...

11 Jul, 2023

The creation of the European Cycling Declaration was announced by Commission Executive Vice President Frans Timmermans at the CIE Summit on 9 March 2023. T...ECF and Cycling Industries Europe (CIE) joined more than 80 stakeholders in an online consultation with the European Commission’s DG MOVE to provide feedback on an early...

06 Jul, 2023