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Cycling is an important component for shaping the mobility of the future. For municipalities of all sizes, more bicycle traffic means less congestion, less nois...

02 Oct, 2019

After the successful experience of last year’s Velo-city conference, ECF and its global network Scientists for Cycling decided to continue integrating a researc...

28 Jun, 2019

New winner in the 2018 edition of ECF's German member organisation's ADFC Bicycle Climate test: For the first time, Karlsruhe is the most bicycle-frie...

30 Apr, 2019

Reducing VAT (Value Added Tax) on the sales of bicycles and pedelecs from 21% to 6%: That is what the Finance Commission of the Belgian Chamber of Represen...

28 Mar, 2019

In its annual assessment of the economic and social situation in the EU, the European Commission set out first ideas as to how EU funds can help Member States w...

27 Mar, 2019