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European Parliament officially takes its position to exclude pedelecs from mandatory motor insurance

As reported to ECF members a couple of weeks ago[1] the European Parliament IMCO committee, led by MEP Charanzová, agreed with ECF to exclude pedelecs from the...

14 Feb, 2019
ECF co-signs letter to MEPs in European Parliament to vote for safer vehicles

ECF co-signs letter with another 12 organisations calling on MEPs to be bold in voting for a raft of vehicle safety technologies and measures. The IMCO committ...

11 Feb, 2019

It seems that we were too premature in our congratulations of the TRAN committees work in the Professional Drivers Qualifications. This legislation lays out the...

01 Dec, 2017

A good week for ECF at the Transport and Tourism(TRAN) committee which is responsible for transport issues within the European Parliament, has been dealing...

12 Oct, 2017