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Cyclists lose an average of 2h45 on train connections between major European cities. Our map of bicycle carriage onboard trains in the EU shows multimodality is not an o...

15 Jun, 2020

Cities’ initiatives promoting cycling are popping up everywhere in the world and it feels like it’s just the beginning....

07 Apr, 2020

COVID19 is seriously impacting our society and everyone’s daily life. Respecting social distance and staying home as much as possible is – quite...

25 Mar, 2020

The 2020 edition of the Winter Cycling Congress rode into Joensuu, Finland. Promoting and encouraging cycling year-round, Joensuu appeared...

18 Mar, 2020

Author: Paris en Selle (Alyssa Heath) | Pictures: Paris en Selle (Pierre Morel) The Parisian cycling advocacy group, Paris en Selle (l...

12 Mar, 2020

By 2050, the European Commission has the ambition to make Europe the first net-zero carbon emission continent, as highlighted in the European Green Deal. I...

09 Mar, 2020

8 March, or how and why the International Women’s Day became an unavoidable ‘’rendez-vous”. In a world still marked by inequality, let’...

04 Mar, 2020

The 2019 Parlons-Vélo French Cycling Barometer has just been published by ECF’s member FUB (Fédération Française des Usagers de la Bicyclette). I...

20 Feb, 2020

The next decade will be marked by many challenges and social disruptions that will be in turn fuelled by fundamental transformations in technology, society, and...

06 Feb, 2020
