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Best of 2021: ECF events and speaking appearances

At times during 2021, one could be forgiven for feeling that the worst of global pandemic was behind us. Vaccination drives had been remarkably successful in nu...Despite another year with COVID-19 restrictions, ECF successfully organised two major in-person world events – Velo-city 2021 Lisboa and the EuroVelo & Cycling Touris...

23 Dec, 2021

We had a talk with Ginny Sullivan who will speak in the Cycling Tourism Plenary at Velo-city 2019 in Dublin this June. Read on to find out more about her work a...

02 Apr, 2019

The final cycle tourism session at this year’s Velo-city was an interactive workshop on developing cycle tourism routes. The participants were given the opportu...

18 Jun, 2018

Thursday’s session on cycle tourism showcased experiences from around the globe. The first presentation by Anna Gurnhill, Global Operations Manager at CycleLife...

15 Jun, 2018

The second day of Velo-city concluded with a stimulating discussion about “Cycle Tourism”. It is the first time that a Velo-city conference has included a plena...

14 Jun, 2018

The importance of good governance was the focus of the first of four sessions on cycle tourism during this year’s Velo-city.  Ádám Bodor, Advocacy and Euro...

13 Jun, 2018