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2022 has been a year to remember for events at the European Cyclists’ Federation. With numerous conferences, webinars and unveilings taking place across Europe...ECF looks back on some of the key events that took place during the year, including international conferences, high-level webinars and inspiring speeches.

20 Dec, 2022

Pinar Pinzuti is a long-time cycling activist and guiding light in the European cycling advocacy scene. Born in Turkey, raised in Germany and now working hard i...ECF speaks to Pinar Pinzuti of Bikenomist about her experience within the world of cycling. A founding figure of the famous Fancy Women Bike Ride, she discusses how her l...

08 Mar, 2022
Best of 2021: ECF events and speaking appearances

At times during 2021, one could be forgiven for feeling that the worst of global pandemic was behind us. Vaccination drives had been remarkably successful in nu...Despite another year with COVID-19 restrictions, ECF successfully organised two major in-person world events – Velo-city 2021 Lisboa and the EuroVelo & Cycling Touris...

23 Dec, 2021

We had a talk with Ginny Sullivan who will speak in the Cycling Tourism Plenary at Velo-city 2019 in Dublin this June. Read on to find out more about her work a...

02 Apr, 2019

Summer is already way ahead, and we are taking the opportunity to reflect on our member’s highlights and milestones from the first part of 2018. January proved...

23 Aug, 2018

The first day of Velo-city was also the kick-off of the academic stream of the conference, organised by the Laboratory for Sustainable Mobility at the Federal U...

13 Jun, 2018