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#TrainsForCyclists campaign: Dedicated spaces for bicycles assured on all trains in the EU Over the past 3 years, ECF intensively advocated to strengthen the ex...

14 Dec, 2020

On 1st October, the next - and potentially final - trilogue meeting will take place between the European Parliament, European Commission and the Council of the...

28 Sep, 2020

September is here and Summer holidays are behind us. As every year, cyclists took over the roads to discover their countries or to travel abroad, many of them o...

07 Sep, 2020

New research by the European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF) shows that rail customers who want to travel with a bicycle face significant obstacles. Our map of...

15 Jun, 2020

By 2050, the European Commission has the ambition to make Europe the first net-zero carbon emission continent, as highlighted in the European Green Deal. I...

09 Mar, 2020