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Pinar Pinzuti is a long-time cycling activist and guiding light in the European cycling advocacy scene. Born in Turkey, raised in Germany and now working hard i...ECF speaks to Pinar Pinzuti of Bikenomist about her experience within the world of cycling. A founding figure of the famous Fancy Women Bike Ride, she discusses how her l...

08 Mar, 2022
New studies, new plan: Brussels aims even higher after cycling grows by 20% and road fatalities decrease

One year after the implementation of the 30 km/h speed limit across the city of Brussels, various positive reports have shown a 50% reduction in road fatalities...New studies into cycling traffic and road safety in the Brussels-Capital Region provide remarkable insights two years into the cycling boom, while the city launches new p...

21 Feb, 2022

The Kidical Mass weekend in September 2021 was a huge success with 25,000 participants in more than 130 cities in Germany and beyond. A big joint Kidical Mass 2...

11 Feb, 2022