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A diverse coalition of 17 associations calls upon the European Commission to commit to modal shift and set targets for increasing the share of walking, cycling and public...

01 Dec, 2020

The European Cyclists’ Federation announced today that co-CEO Morten Kabell will leave the organisation at the end of this year. Kabell took the decision to return to his...

23 Nov, 2020

European leaders from across the continent met today with European Commission Executive Vice-President Frans Timmermans to discuss how the right investments can trigger a...

30 Oct, 2020

For the first time in the history of the EU, railway companies will be obliged to provide dedicated space for bicycles on all new and refurbished trains. This is the outc...

02 Oct, 2020

During the COVID-19 crisis, European policy makers have set their sights on the bicycle. Cycling has proven to be one of the safest and most efficient options for urban m...

23 Jul, 2020

Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia have made an unprecedented joint political declaration to the Executive Vice President...

14 Jul, 2020

European governments have allocated additional €823 million to cycling promotion. Over 1,200 km of active mobility infrastructure have been announced and more than 500 km...

16 Jun, 2020

Europe cannot go back to the old normal. Now is the time to act. This is the mantra shared by decision makers at the online debate organised by the European Cyclists...

05 Jun, 2020
Girl in empty square

Cycling is the hyper-efficient, quick and cheap option that will enable a boost recovery for Europe. The European Cyclists’ Federation issued a set of recommendations to...

11 May, 2020

CONEBI and ECF call upon all EU Member States to allow bicycle repair services to continue throughout the COVID-19 crisis, provided that all necessary health precautions...

20 Mar, 2020

Eight bikes per train. A simple demand to connect the most efficient and sustainable mobility options in the European Union. We call on the European Parliament, Europea...

14 Feb, 2020

The European Cyclists’ Federation announced today that Jill Warren and Morten Kabell have been appointed as ECF’s new co-Chief Executive Officers.

14 Jan, 2020