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Cycle City Active City is the ground-breaking conference and exhibition for all those working to encourage utility cycling, walking and active, healthy lifestyl...

12 Apr, 2017

Velo-city 2017 Press Conference

12 Apr, 2017

An international conference on the development of cycling, cycling infrastructure and tourism in cities will be held for the first time in Minsk on May 12 as a...

12 Apr, 2017

The main theme of the conference will be "Smart Mobility – Synergy Between Sustainable Mobility and New Technologies".  The goal is to incite new forms of...

23 Mar, 2017

On behalf of: -The European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF) and its global network Scientists for Cycling (S4C),  -Radboud University, Nijmegen (Institute for M...

21 Mar, 2017

International Cycling Conference 2017 is an an interdisciplinary and international three-day scientific conference organized to highlight the role of...

08 Feb, 2017

The Platform for European Bike Sharing and Systems is finally ready to kick-off! Traditional PBS providers, system operators, “connected bicycle” manufacturers...

01 Feb, 2017