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During the European Mobility Week, taking place in many cities in September 2015, several ECF members (Fietsberaad Vlaanderen, Fietsersbond VL & Fietsersbon...

31 Aug, 2015

While national cycling policies have been around now for some 25 years with the Dutch Master Plan ‘Fiets’ (bicycle) being published in 1990, it was probably the...It is difficult if not impossible to measure the direct impact on levels of cycling that come with a national cycling strategy. Yet ECF analysis suggests a strong correla...

27 Aug, 2015

On October 7th 2015, the Luxembourg Presidency of the European Union is organizing the first informal meeting of Transport ministers dedicated exclusively to cy...

24 Aug, 2015

Have you seen Cambre’s sparkling new red bikes? No? Really? Well, open your eyes because if you spot them around Brussels, you stand a chance to win your...

05 Aug, 2015