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More than any technology or political decision of the last few decades, COVID-19 has disrupted business as usual. It surprised all of us and imposed itself on o...

16 Dec, 2020

A diverse coalition of 17 associations calls upon the European Commission to commit to modal shift and set targets for increasing the share of walking, cycling...

01 Dec, 2020

The European Cyclists’ Federation announced today that co-CEO Morten Kabell will leave the organisation at the end of this year. Kabell took the decision to ret...

23 Nov, 2020

Today European leaders from across the continent called on EU and national authorities to invest in the cycling revolution. The European Cyclists' Federati...

30 Oct, 2020

As a safe and healthy transport mode, cycling has seen an unprecedented surge all over Europe since the COVID-19 outbreak. More than 2,300 km of pop-up bike lan...

20 Oct, 2020

Although the final agreement falls somewhat short of what the European Cyclists' Federation (ECF) had hoped for, we welcome this change as a move in the right d...For the first time in the history of the EU, railway companies will be obliged to provide dedicated space for bicycles on all new and refurbished trains. This is the...

02 Oct, 2020

The EU is consulting on its Sustainable Mobility Strategy and they want to hear from you. Citizens, cities, researchers, businesses, associations – all are invi...

18 Sep, 2020

The European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF), in collaboration with its member organisations from all over Europe, have been collecting detailed infor...

16 Jun, 2020

Europe cannot go back to the old normal. Now is the time to act. This is the mantra shared by decision makers at the online debate organised by the European Cyc...

05 Jun, 2020

Last week European cycling associations marked an important breakthrough for cycling on the EU agenda as an equal mode of transport with the auto sector and pub...

03 Jun, 2020

In cooperation with 11 other organisations, ECF co-signed a letter addressed to Executive Vice-President Frans Timmermans and Transport Commissioner A...

25 May, 2020

In cooperation with 5 other cycling organisations, ECF co-signed an open letter addressed to the EU Commission and Parliament leadership on climate ch...

20 May, 2020
