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Often when we consider what makes a successful cycling city, it is not uncommon to end up ruminating over familiar hard-line ideas and solutions: state-of-the-a...ECF outlines the vital role that civil initiatives and soft measures play in creating a successful cycling city. We focus in on Cork Cycling Campaign to highlight good pr...

17 Oct, 2022

The European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF) is proud to announce that Ghent has won the bid to host Velo-city 2024, becoming the first Belgian city to host the conf...The Belgian city of Ghent wins bid to host Velo-city 2024. Set against the backdrop of a well-renowned cycling city, the event will bring together business, government, r...

18 May, 2022

Swedish Cycling Cities (SCC) started as a small network in 2014 seeking to improve the status of cycling in Sweden, and has since grown into a national associat...ECF welcomes Swedish Cycling Cities to our Cities & Regions for Cyclists (CRC), a network bringing together local and regional administrations, actively working to pr...

24 Mar, 2022
Alternative transport modes such as walking, cycling and public transport will be encouraged.

From March 2022, car advertising in France will have to include government-authorised climate-friendly messaging in the form of the hashtag #SeDéplacerMoinsPoll...On 28 December 2021, the French parliament adopted a decree which stipulates that car manufacturers must include sustainable-mobility messaging displayed prominently in c...

01 Feb, 2022

The European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF) strongly welcomes the UK’s creation of its new cycling and walking executive agency, Active Travel England (ATE), and th...The UK government has created a new agency specifically for cycling and walking, appointing former Olympic cyclist Chris Boardman as its interim commissioner. Active Trav...

27 Jan, 2022

The City of Varaždin is the cultural, economic and educational centre of Northwest Croatia and the latest addition to the Cities & Regions for Cyclists netw...The newly elected municipal government of Varaždin continues a strong track record of green alternatives for local transport. The Croatian city aims to fulfil the dual st...

13 Jan, 2022