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ECF ranks France on top with most sustainable parking policy in Europe

"France has the best off-street parking regulations in place when it comes to promoting sustainable mobility in Europe" found a report published by the European...

26 Mar, 2019

“Achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 through a socially-fair transition in a cost-efficient manner” – This is the key sentence in the European L...

28 Nov, 2018

The Partnership for Urban Mobility held last week a high-level political discussion on the draft Urban Mobility Action Plan in Karlsruhe, Germany [1]. This draf...

14 Mar, 2018

The growth of cycling in major cities in Europe and the Americas did not go unnoticed by the academic world. In particular the last five years from 2011 – 2016...

30 Nov, 2017

Cycling into the future - a new approach to infrastructure, a new approach to policy-making at European level! This event, jointly organized in partnership of t...

26 Jul, 2016