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How can we use less materials in building construction? How can on-site parking encourage less CO2 transport emissions? How can we stimulate less household ener...ECF provides an end-of-year update on our lobbying efforts to ensure bicycle parking is effectively included in the revision of the Energy Performance of Buildings Direct...

22 Dec, 2022

Many European cities are global frontrunners on mobility and transport. A smaller number of cities excel at providing their citizens with cycling infrastructure...ECF showcases how national cycling strategies, suitable infrastructure and financial incentives can help countries best implement the EU Urban Mobility Framework policy a...

19 Dec, 2022

On 5 December 2022, the SABRINA Project, an Interreg Europe project for Safer Bicycle Routes in the Danube Area, hosted a co-organised event in Brussels with th...Interreg Europe project hosts event in Brussels to showcase results and findings to EU-level representatives, including MEP Vlad Gheorghe of the TRAN Committee.

07 Dec, 2022