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The growth of cycling in major cities in Europe and the Americas did not go unnoticed by the academic world. In particular the last five years from 2011 – 2016...

30 Nov, 2017

120 participants talked and practiced cycling at the Big Bike Event, jointly organised by the transport teams of the Permanent Representations of the three Bene...

29 Jun, 2017

Key European experts in cycling and related fields have gathered in Brussels on the 14th of February, 2017 to continue the discussion on a EU Cycling Strat...

14 Feb, 2017

More than 20 experts from different organisations involved in the EU Cycling Strategy Campaign gathered for the 1st time on 25 November in order to develop a bl...

30 Nov, 2016

Over the next few months the blueprint for an EU Cycling Strategy will be developed. In a series of blogposts, stakeholders involved in this process share ...

21 Nov, 2016

Doubling cycling in the EU in the next ten years calls for the development of a European cycling strategy. To obtain political support at the hig...

19 Sep, 2016

Cycling into the future - a new approach to infrastructure, a new approach to policy-making at European level! This event, jointly organized in partnership of t...

26 Jul, 2016
CoR EU Roadmap for cycling

Brussels, 05/07/2016. By including support for a sustainable travel hierarchy and a doubling of cycling across the EU-28 over the next 10 years, the Commit...

06 Jul, 2016
Cycling Forum Europe CYFO EU Cycling Strategy meeting

BRUXELLES, 23/06/2016 - People cycling are early risers. Chaired by MEP Michael Cramer and MEP Istvan Ujhelyi, 40 people with diverse backgrounds gathered...

23 Jun, 2016
