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The Factsheet establishes the ECF position on bike helmets.

05 Jan, 2016

ECF looks at data in Australia regarding cycling and helmet use

05 Jan, 2016

Cycle helmets are a contentious subject. Brian Walker, of helmet-testing lab Head Protection Evaluations, looks at the science instead of the rhetoric

05 Jan, 2016

ECF Founding Documents, 1983 Copenhagen, Denmark

05 Jan, 2016

CYCLING ECONOMY OPENING Manfred Neun - ECF President WELCOME TO VELO-CITY 2011 IN SEVILLE Calling for Sustainable Investments

23 Dec, 2015

Overview of fiscal regimes for commuting in Europe and recommendations for establishing a level playing-field.

22 Dec, 2015

In reaction to the global financial and economic crisis that started in 2008, job creation has become a main priority of EU policy. In this context, ECF has dec...

22 Dec, 2015

Draft ECF Discussion paper - regulation speed pedelecs

13 Oct, 2015

Biciklana fest 2015: Youth cycling experiences and policies

17 Sep, 2015

ECF Intranet User Manual

04 Aug, 2015

Using European Funds for Cycling Funds from European Institutions (DG GROW) and Interreg programmes have supported numerous cycling tourism projects across...

10 Dec, 2014
