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How can we use less materials in building construction? How can on-site parking encourage less CO2 transport emissions? How can we stimulate less household ener...ECF provides an end-of-year update on our lobbying efforts to ensure bicycle parking is effectively included in the revision of the Energy Performance of Buildings Direct...

22 Dec, 2022

On Tuesday 25 October, the mandatory integration of dedicated bicycle parking spaces into the design of every building took a major legislative step forward. By...Revision of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive takes major step forward with EU Member States supporting proposal to require bicycle parking in every new and r...

03 Nov, 2022

Perhaps the most undervalued and least sexy of the various bike infrastructures, bicycle parking is becoming more and more of an interest to public authori...Our CRC Network Member, Rotterdam, is implementing an innovative way to sway public opinion in favour of bike parking. This clever idea is a reminder of the key role bike...

12 Sep, 2022

Ghent, the host city of Velo-city 2024 and the newest member of ECF’s Cities & Regions for Cyclists (CRC) Network, has a long history of cycling and an exci...ECF welcomes the City of Ghent to Cities & Regions for Cyclists, a network that brings together local and regional administrations actively working to promote cycling...

29 Aug, 2022

Ireland’s Department of Transport has been recognised as a Gold Level Cycle-Friendly Employer (CFE) by Cycling Solutions Ireland, the country’s national CFE Coo...Ireland’s Department of Transport becomes the first of its kind to be awarded Gold Level Cycle-Friendly Employer Certification. The certification follows the Department’s...

20 Apr, 2022

The European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF) has published a new document highlighting six key policy areas that can be improved to better integrate cycling into the...ECF publishes suggested amendments to the EU’s proposed revision of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive, focusing on six key areas that could effectively increa...

04 Apr, 2022

In December 2021, ECF Member Fietsersbond Belgium  awarded the European Parliament the title of Cycle-Friendly Employer (CFE) for its Brussels site. With a...The European Parliament has become the first European institution to be certified, receiving a Bronze Level Certification. The Cycle-Friendly Employer Certification Frame...

31 Jan, 2022