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Last year, the EU, published a new set of excellent vehicle safety standards for the European Union, due to come into force from 2022, including Intelligent Spe...

25 Nov, 2020
ECF co-signs letter to MEPs in European Parliament to vote for safer vehicles

ECF co-signs letter with another 12 organisations calling on MEPs to be bold in voting for a raft of vehicle safety technologies and measures. The IMCO committ...

11 Feb, 2019

It seems that we were too premature in our congratulations of the TRAN committees work in the Professional Drivers Qualifications. This legislation lays out the...

01 Dec, 2017

A good week for ECF at the Transport and Tourism(TRAN) committee which is responsible for transport issues within the European Parliament, has been dealing...

12 Oct, 2017
Muiderfietsbrug next to A1 motorway near Amsterdam.

ECF welcomes the European Commission initiative to improve the EU regulatory framework for road infrastructure safety management, especially actions targeted to...

12 Sep, 2017

European Transport Ministers launched the “Valetta Declaration on Improving Road Safety” at a Ministerial Conference on Road Safety in Valletta (Malta) today un...

29 Mar, 2017
Photo by the Centre for Environment (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

Bosnian cyclists have managed to repeal their cumbersome and unfair law on the mandatory use of bicycle helmets. ECF members the Centre for Environment have bee...

02 Mar, 2017

The European Commission (EC) has released its long awaited report on safety testing procedures for all new motor vehicles. These are new regulations that could...

23 Jan, 2017

Study finds huge difference in best and worst trucks for blind spots which cause hundreds of road deaths.

26 Jul, 2016