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ECF has signed a Joint Statement along with the European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF), the European Federation of Road Traffic Victims (FEVR) and the Eur...

29 Nov, 2018

For over twenty years the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) has been a cornerstone of EU transport policy. It should come as no surprise therefore that E...

26 Nov, 2018
8th edition of the World Bike Forum - FMB8

The 8th World Bike Forum-FMB8 invites the national and international community to send their proposals (presentations, workshops, Pecha Kucha, urban interv...

21 Nov, 2018

The European Commission has been working on proposals to update its 10 year old regulations on Road Infrastructure Safety Management (RISM) and ECF has been pus...

20 Nov, 2018