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No energy-efficient buildings without adequate bicycle parking and e-bike charging infrastructure

On 14 July, the European Commission published its immense “Fit for 55” package with several new legislative proposals destined to help achieve the political tar...The transport and building sectors are both crucial for the EU’s 2030 goal of cutting emissions by 55%. A new ECF position paper outlines how to include bicycle parking a...

20 Jul, 2021

The German federal government will be investing 900 million Euro in cycling as part of its national climate protection programme. The largest part will be funde...

08 Feb, 2021
The European Green Deal – A huge opportunity for cycling

The EU will become the first to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, the European Commission proposed last Wednesday in its landmark Communication on a Euro...

17 Dec, 2019

The new Finnish centre-left government set its ambitions high when it took office in June 2019: by 2035, the Nordic country should achieve zero-carbon emissions...

23 Sep, 2019
Cycling fully-fledged part of Dutch climate policy

To address climate disruption, the Dutch government presented its Climate Agreement on 28 June 28th, 2019. The whole of Western Europe was hit by a scorching he...

29 Jul, 2019

“Achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 through a socially-fair transition in a cost-efficient manner” – This is the key sentence in the European L...

28 Nov, 2018

Decarbonising the European economy is among the biggest challenges of our time, and all main-stream political parties in the EU agree with the overall...

22 Oct, 2018

This session primarily focussed on the integration of cycling with public transport in South America. Bus Rapid Transport (BRT) systems could cover almost the e...

15 Jun, 2018