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ECF analysis: Mandatory bicycle parking in the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive is great news for cyclists

On 15 December, the European Commission presented a revision proposal for the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD), for which the European Cyclists’...All new and renovated residential and non-residential buildings must provide spaces for bicycle parking, according to a new revision proposal for the Energy Performa...

22 Dec, 2021

On 28 September 2021, the European Commission published new guidelines for the Energy Efficiency First (EE1st) principle, with favourable mentions towards cycli...Modal shift and bicycle-friendly building codes have been included in the new guidelines of the Energy Efficiency First principle, being listed as effective ways to reduc...

22 Oct, 2021

In June 2021, after more than three years of negotiations, the European Parliament and Council agreed upon a new funding regulation for the 2021-27 Multiannual...An updated regulation for EU Structural Funds has demanded increased levels of investment from cities and regions towards sustainable mobility, a major opportunity to att...

14 Oct, 2021

On 24 September 2021, the Belgian federal government adopted a first-of-its-kind federal action plan for the promotion of cycling: “BE CYCLIST.” The plan, which...The cycling action plan, which goes by the name “BE CYCLIST,” lists 52 action points that Belgium’s federal government will implement by 2024. This first-ever federal Bel...

29 Sep, 2021
No energy-efficient buildings without adequate bicycle parking and e-bike charging infrastructure

On 14 July, the European Commission published its immense “Fit for 55” package with several new legislative proposals destined to help achieve the political tar...The transport and building sectors are both crucial for the EU’s 2030 goal of cutting emissions by 55%. A new ECF position paper outlines how to include bicycle parking a...

20 Jul, 2021

The Pan-European Master Plan for Cycling Promotion was adopted on 18 May 2021 at the 5th High-level meeting on Transport, Health and Environment. As part of the...The new pan-European cycling master plan includes ECF recommendations on cycling infrastructure, funding and tourism and covers 54 countries across Europe and North Ameri...

18 May, 2021
EU member states are neglecting cycling in post-pandemic recovery plans

New analysis by the European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF) of Member States’ National Recovery and Resilience Plans submitted to the EU show that only six are prop...Over half of European Union Member States are neglecting cycling in their post-pandemic recovery plans, missing out on billions of euros in economic and health benefits.

27 Apr, 2021

The German federal government will be investing 900 million Euro in cycling as part of its national climate protection programme. The largest part will be funde...

08 Feb, 2021