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New data reports a 47% increase in cycling in Scotland

Between March 2020 and March 2021, 47% more cycling journeys were recorded in Scotland compared to the same period the previous year, according to data released...New data reports a 47% increase in cycling in Scotland from March 2020 to March 2021 compared to the previous year. Local cyclists accredit this growth to more cycle-frie...

30 Apr, 2021

Bicycles enable children to participate in their community, travel between school and home, explore their cities and stay active and healthy. But too many child...How can all children get access to a bicycle from an early age? A new digital booklet showcases inspirational children’s cycling initiatives and best practices from aroun...

29 Apr, 2021

New analysis by ECF of Member States’ NRRPs show that only six are properly using their plans to seize upon the enormous recovery potential of cycling to boost green econ...

27 Apr, 2021

The members of the European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF) have elected former Dutch ambassador Henk Swarttouw its new President. “I will be proud to be leading the...Former Dutch diplomat Henk Swarttouw has been elected President of the European Cyclists' Federation for the next three years, along with four new members for the ECF Boa...

26 Apr, 2021

The members of the European Cyclists’ Federation have elected former Dutch ambassador Henk Swarttouw as its new President.

26 Apr, 2021