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#TrainsForCyclists campaign: Dedicated spaces for bicycles assured on all trains in the EU Over the past 3 years, ECF intensively advocated to strengthen the ex...

14 Dec, 2020

2021 marks the beginning of the new 7-year Multiannual Financial Framework of the European Union. The European Cyclists' Federation releases today 27 count...

07 Dec, 2020

On 12 November, the European Investment Bank (EIB) Board of Directors approved the institution’s new Climate Bank Roadmap. The new strategy sets out how the EIB...

18 Nov, 2020

Today European leaders from across the continent called on EU and national authorities to invest in the cycling revolution. The European Cyclists' Federati...

30 Oct, 2020

In the wake of the COVID-19 crisis, a growing number of national, regional, and local authorities in Europe have turned to cycling as a mobility solution...

29 Oct, 2020

Together with the EU CYCLE project partners, the European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF) hosted a webinar at the European Week of Regions and Ci...

14 Oct, 2020

Cycling is one of the priorities identified by the Polish government in its draft National Recovery and Resilience Plan that was published at the end of Septemb...

02 Oct, 2020

In a joint political declaration on Tuesday (14 July), Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands called on the EU to prioritise cycling in the post-virus recovery...

22 Jul, 2020

Strategic investments in sustainable tourism are essential to ensure a safe recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic an...

20 Jul, 2020

According to the latest market report from CONEBI, ECF’s partners in the bicycle industry, e-bikes remain strong drivers of growth in an otherwise stable EU bic...

17 Jul, 2020

Cycling as a resilient and healthy mode of transport has received a lot of attention in media and politics during the last weeks. The first available data from...

23 Jun, 2020

Just as many other businesses across Europe and the world, the sectors of the cycling economy are hit hard by the coronavirus crisis. However, a large majority...

20 Apr, 2020