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In October 2009 the track for the Rio Olympics began. Seven years to prepare the house for the party! Now, in October 2016, the party is over, it was wonderful...

09 Nov, 2016

Breakthrough for "Radlobby", the Austrian member of ECF, and their campaign "Abstand macht sicher" (Distance for safety): "Radlobby" won a one-year court fight...

07 Oct, 2016

As a premiere for Bucharest, the Romanian member of ECF "Green Revolution Association", together with Raiffeisen Bank and Kaufland România, announced the l...

27 Sep, 2016

For a successful advocacy campaign on a local level, it’s important to involve citizens and the cycling community to broaden your impact and make your voic...

12 Sep, 2016

Bike2Work is an EU co-funded project lead by the European Cyclists' Federation. Find out below why it's a success, who is involved and how you can join up!...

19 Aug, 2016

Are you organising fun and inspiring cycling activities during the EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK? Let us know what you do! We will put your activity in the spotlights an...

19 Aug, 2016

The Ukrainian ECF member AVK - KYIV CYCLISTS' ASSOCIATION hosts the 8th Annual International Cycling Conference "VELOFORUM 2016" in Ukraine, Khar...

11 Aug, 2016
CosmoBike Mobility

Italy has one of the highest motorization rate in the world and probably because of this reason it currently hosts one of the strongest and more compact bike ac...

30 Jun, 2016