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Filled with colourful narrow streets and built on a unique topography, Lisbon is undoubtedly a challenging city when it comes to mobility. Over the past decade,...

19 Nov, 2020

On 12 November, the European Investment Bank (EIB) Board of Directors approved the institution’s new Climate Bank Roadmap. The new strategy sets out how the EIB...

18 Nov, 2020

Today European leaders from across the continent called on EU and national authorities to invest in the cycling revolution. The European Cyclists' Federati...

30 Oct, 2020

In the wake of the COVID-19 crisis, a growing number of national, regional, and local authorities in Europe have turned to cycling as a mobility solution...

29 Oct, 2020

In The Netherlands, 30km/h will be the norm on all streets in built-up areas. On Tuesday, 27 October 2020, a majority in the House of Representatives approved a...

28 Oct, 2020

ECF’s Cycle-friendly Employer Certification (CFE) is instrumental in creating a culture of cycling to work. ECF quantified the benefit of cycling to econom...

22 Oct, 2020

As a safe and healthy transport mode, cycling has seen an unprecedented surge all over Europe since the COVID-19 outbreak. More than 2,300 km of pop-up bike lan...

20 Oct, 2020

The EU cycling advocacy associations in Brussels have united in response to the investigation by the European Commission on the safety risks related to L-catego...

19 Oct, 2020

Together with the EU CYCLE project partners, the European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF) hosted a webinar at the European Week of Regions and Ci...

14 Oct, 2020

Member States have begun to take the decarbonization potential of cycling more seriously, but there is still a long way to go in recognising cycling as a fully-...

08 Oct, 2020

Author: Civil Engineering Office, City of Zurich  Cycling in Zurich is currently at a crucial milestone. The journey to a city whose bicycle infrastructure...

06 Oct, 2020

The next edition of the Velo-city Conference Series will take place in Lisbon, Portugal from 1-4 June 2021. Velo-city 2021 Lisboa will revolve around the creati...

05 Oct, 2020
