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TEN-T core corridors schematics

During an extraordinary meeting on 23 June 2020, the European Parliament's Committee on Transport and Tourism had an exchange of views with the EU Commissi...

29 Jun, 2020

In April 2019 the revision of the directive 2008/96/EC on Road Infrastructure Safety Management Directive was officially accepted by the European Parliament ple...

10 May, 2019
Cycling Underwater Mini Series – Kennedy Tunnel in Antwerp

Underwater tunnels are not typical cycling facilities. But in a few cases, such tunnels provide an important cycling connection. We start a new mini-series with...

08 Mar, 2019

On 21th February 2019, the key EU institutions agreed on a revised version of the directive 2008/96/EC on Road Infrastructure Safety Management (RISM), recogni...

22 Feb, 2019

The Marynarska interchange in Warsaw was constructed in 2013 with substantial co-financing from EU’s Cohesion Fund, as a part of the trans-European road networ...

15 Feb, 2019

The Road Infrastructure Safety Management (RISM) directive (2008/96/EC) defines procedures that were supposed to ensure safety of the trans-European road infras...

10 Jan, 2019
Muiderfietsbrug near Amsterdam, North Sea-Baltic TEN-T core corridor

One of the key elements of the 3rd Mobility Package launched by the European Commission on May 17th is a proposal for amending the Road Infrastructure Safe...

04 Jun, 2018
