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Velo-city has something for everyone. We decided to make it easier for you to find what you are looking for in our rich programme of seven plenary sessions, ove...

10 Apr, 2019
ECF ranks France on top with most sustainable parking policy in Europe

"France has the best off-street parking regulations in place when it comes to promoting sustainable mobility in Europe" found a report published by the European...

26 Mar, 2019

2018 has been one of the best years yet for ECF’s advocacy team; heading into 2019 we really feel like there has been a sea change in thinking on transport poli...

17 Dec, 2018

For over twenty years the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) has been a cornerstone of EU transport policy. It should come as no surprise therefore that E...

26 Nov, 2018

Thanks to "A Contramano", a Spanish member organization of ECF, the Seville City Center was declared as a 30km/h area creating the largest low-speed traffic are...

22 Sep, 2016