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The Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) is the EU's primary network of roads, railway lines, inland waterways, ports and airports. Currently, the...ECF takes a look at recent developments within the Council of the EU and the European Parliament to analyse the progress being made in getting cycling and EuroVelo includ...

12 Dec, 2022

The Flemish cycle highway network in Belgium is the most comprehensive plan to connect cities, towns, suburbs and workplaces across the whole region through hig...ECF looks at the Flemish cycle highway network to highlight the crossover between cycling and TEN-T infrastructure. 49% of the network interacts with TEN-T, emphasising t...

27 Sep, 2022

The European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF) has published a new state-of-the-art report on geometric design standards for cycling infrastructure. The report gathers...ECF releases new report which compiles, compares and analyses 20 national and regional standards and guidelines for geometric parameters of cycling infrastructure across...

10 Mar, 2022