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On 21th February 2019, the key EU institutions agreed on a revised version of the directive 2008/96/EC on Road Infrastructure Safety Management (RISM), recogni...

22 Feb, 2019

The International Federation of Pedestrians (IFP), the European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF) and the Federation of European Motorcyclists’ Associat...

25 Jan, 2019

The Road Infrastructure Safety Management (RISM) directive (2008/96/EC) defines procedures that were supposed to ensure safety of the trans-European road infras...

10 Jan, 2019

It seems that we were too premature in our congratulations of the TRAN committees work in the Professional Drivers Qualifications. This legislation lays out the...

01 Dec, 2017

A good week for ECF at the Transport and Tourism(TRAN) committee which is responsible for transport issues within the European Parliament, has been dealing...

12 Oct, 2017