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Breakthrough for "Radlobby", the Austrian member of ECF, and their campaign "Abstand macht sicher" (Distance for safety): "Radlobby" won a one-year court fight...

07 Oct, 2016

As a premiere for Bucharest, the Romanian member of ECF "Green Revolution Association", together with Raiffeisen Bank and Kaufland România, announced the l...

27 Sep, 2016

Thanks to "A Contramano", a Spanish member organization of ECF, the Seville City Center was declared as a 30km/h area creating the largest low-speed traffic are...

22 Sep, 2016

For a successful advocacy campaign on a local level, it’s important to involve citizens and the cycling community to broaden your impact and make your voic...

12 Sep, 2016

The Ukrainian ECF member AVK - KYIV CYCLISTS' ASSOCIATION hosts the 8th Annual International Cycling Conference "VELOFORUM 2016" in Ukraine, Khar...

11 Aug, 2016