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Committee on Transport and Tourism with the Commissioner Elżbieta Bieńkowska

On the 11th July 2017 ECF was invited to the meeting of the European Parliament’s Committee on Transport and Tourism and a separate meeting with Antonio Tajani...

13 Jul, 2017

120 participants talked and practiced cycling at the Big Bike Event, jointly organised by the transport teams of the Permanent Representations of the three Bene...

29 Jun, 2017

This week The European Commission announced at the Motor Vehicle Working Group that it is delaying the proposal on Vehicle Safety Regulations until at least Mar...

03 Mar, 2017

The European Commission makes direct financial contributions in the form of grants in support of projects or organisations which further the interests of the EU...

25 Jan, 2017

The European Commission (EC) has released its long awaited report on safety testing procedures for all new motor vehicles. These are new regulations that could...

23 Jan, 2017

Over the next few months the blueprint for an EU Cycling Strategy will be developed. In a series of blogposts, stakeholders involved in this process share ...

21 Nov, 2016

This year’s Advocacy Summit confirmed that collaboration between industry and advocacy is paying off and concluded that now is the time to join forces and lobby...

02 Sep, 2016
