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European Parliament Written Declaration (all EU languages)

21 Feb, 2016

Text for letter to MEP for serius injuries target, by country

21 Feb, 2016

Main findings Cycling delivers major economic benefits in the EU: For example, the health benefits due to reduced mortality amount to 114-121 billion EUR, or the benefits of congestion easing to ca. 25 billion EUR. Cycling also creates jobs: At...

Topic: local economy, Economy,...

11 Feb, 2016

Bike carriage on long-distance trains: 7 basic services that give cyclists a smile A collection of good practice examples from across Europe Authors: Fabian Küstern, Ed Lancaster, Martin Tusl Published on 13th of March 2017 Summary This is a...

Topic: Intermodality, train,...

09 Feb, 2016

Cycling delivers on the Global Goals! The Global Goals, as stipulated in the preamble of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), seek to realize the human rights of all. Cycling is already delivering on these goals worldwide, and this is a good...

Topic: global goals, COP21,...

09 Feb, 2016

The Potential for Dramatically Increasing Bicycle and E-bike Use in Cities Around the World, with Estimated Energy, CO2, and Cost Impacts. Cycling plays a major role in personal mobility around the world, but it could play a much...

Topic: ITDP, CO2, Global...

Study on urban air quality and emissions. 

Topic: air quality, Health

05 Feb, 2016

Transport Commitments made at the UN Secretary General's Climate Summit and emerging initiatives oer opportunity for Transformative Change of the transport sector 

Topic: climate change, UN

19 Jan, 2016

5th presentation from the EU funding webinar series 

18 Jan, 2016


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