BTrackB presented at ECF’s AGM meeting

10 Jun, 2013
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Today (9th of June 2013) BTrackB was presented at the Annual general Membership meeting of the European Cyclists Federation in Bratishlava. The advantages to discuss the possibilities the programme offers become clear when presenting it to cycling advocates from different countries. After the presentation of BtrackB at the AGM the following issues came up in discussions with different cycling advocates.



  • BTrackB is looking for new partners in the project because this is part of the project plan. We are offering the tool (the website), the app and developed formats as an input to tailor the events to your own wishes. We hope you think cities in your country are interested. We invite you to take part in the demonstration during Velo-city. We would like to offer 3 participants of the AGM and the demonstration at Velo-city the opportunity to use the virtual checkpoint system (app) in your own country (English version only) for an event of maximum one week. At least 3 different local governments (cities) should participate.

  • If you have a national cycling congress in your country we offer you to give a presentation or a workshop. In the project period (2013, 2014) we can give a limited number of these workshops. Sometimes it will be possible to combine it with the demonstration of the App.

  • Since the project is having families as a target group. It offers the possibility to increase your target group if you have a project for cycling to school for example. Through BTrackB  you will be able to involve the parents and siblings as well: suddenly doubling or tripling the trips taken by your target group. You will also be able to increase the destinations for cycling trips just by including them in the virtual checkpoints. In this case it will offer possibilities to attract entrepreneurs of cycling destinations (cinemas, sport schools etc.) for providing prices.

  • At the website under B-Track-B you can find the present newsletters and you can subscribe to the next newsletter.

  • Share and discuss or follow us at twitter: @ or #btrackb or like us on facebook: btrackb.

With this initial discussion we hope you get ideas how modern technology can help you boost your project. We also hope you want to share them with us.

For more information or

Or contact Henk Hendriks:

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