Don't Let The EU Parliament Ignore 100 Million Cyclists

12 Dec, 2012
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This Tuesday, the European Parliament will decide if billions will be made available for cycling infrastructure and EuroVelo. ECF and its members are calling upon the cycling world to make their voice heard by putting pressure on the Parliament's Transport Committee. 

There are 35 million daily cyclists in Europe. There are more than 100 million Europeans that cycle regularly. The European Institutions however are failing to take cycling seriously as a mode of Transport. 

Strategic EU documents keep failing to mention cycling and it is at risk of being sidelined by more powerful lobby interests.

It’s Time For This To Change

Important budgets are being decided between now and 2014.

Campaign Update

Italy's campaigning efforts have now managed to convince all Italian MEPs to include cycling in Monday's vote.

Let's keep up the pressure. 

  • If you're from Italy, Fiab has created an online petition here and Paolo Pinzuti from Salvaiciclisti has created an online petition here
  • If you're from the United Kingdom, the CTC has created an online petition available to sign here. 
  • If you're from France, the "Departements and Regions Cyclable" (DRC) have created an online petition here
  • If you're from Belgium, GRACQ has created an online petition here
  • If you're from Portugal, FPCUB have created created an online petition here
  • If you're from Ireland, Dublin Cycling Campaign have created an online petiton here
  • If you're from Romania, you can find an online petition here
  • If you're from Hungrary you can find an online petition here

For other countries click on the 'Take Action' button below. 

On Tuesday December 18, the European Transport Committee will vote on crucial legislation which has a big impact on cycling. This particular case is the funding rules for major infrastructure projects in the strategic European networks (called Ten-T). Although this appears to be major road, rail and transport corridors, the exclusion of cycling would mean that cycling provision such as road crossings, major junctions and ECF's strategic EuroVelo network would be excluded. 

It’s time for us to remind the European Parliament, a democratically elected body, that cyclists’ have a voice and a place in European policy.

Last year, the Parliament’s official opinion was to include Eurovelo in this network. Being included in this network would open up the path for billions of euros of investments in cycling infrastructure across Europe. 

Since then the European Commission and the Transport Committee in the European Parliament have been preparing these guidelines, but have excluded cycling and EuroVelo, despite this earlier recommendation. 

Once again, they have excluded cycling from transport policy and billions in potential funding. 

We need you to write to your MEP. We've prepared a letter below with instructions about who to send it to. It's not too late. We can make sure that cycling gets the funding it deserves. 


Send These MEPs An Email

We have prepared a draft statement, available here: Email To Send

Please translate this where possible or write your own statement. We have identified the most influential MEPs in drafting this legislation. Please contact these MEPs first.

If an MEP from your country cannot be found above, please contact your country’s MEP from the Parliament’s Transport Committee. They can be found here:

The more pressure we put on this transport committee, the more likely they will include cycling within this important legislation.

The vote will take place on December 18. As you can understand, it’s important we act urgently.

If you need any further information, or assistance, speak to Ed Lancaster, ( or +3228089987

About the Author

Ed Lancaster, ECF Policy Officer for Regional Policy & Cycling Tourism -For the past 7 years, Ed has worked as a Town Planner for various local authorities in South East England and he has a Master’s degree in Town Planning from the University of Westminster. 

Contact the author

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