EuroVelo: Fund It To Finish It.

09 Nov, 2012
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This month a decision will be made to include EuroVelo in the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T). If included, this would mean billions in funding, and make a major contribution towards the completion of the remaining sections of the network.

EuroVelo still has some way to go before it is complete. ECF estimates that finalizing the 14 routes of the EuroVelo network, totalling about 70,000 km, would come at a price tag of about € 1.5 – 2 billion. However, when complete, it will bring in an estimated €5 billion in annual economic benefits.

The European Parliament’s Transport (TRAN) Committee will vote on whether or not EuroVelo should be included into TEN-T at the end of the month. Being included in this network means opening up opportunities to receive funding for trans-European transport infrastructure and would be a big step in ensuring the network is complete by 2020.

The EuroVelo Network

Early signs appear positive. The European Parliament has already responded last year in December, stating in their response to the Transport White Paper that EuroVelo should be included in the TEN-T network.

Now, there will be a vote on the final report, on November 27th 2012. We’ll keep you updated with the decision later on in the month.

What Can I Do? 

If you would like to encourage your MEP to support the inclusion of EuroVelo in the TEN-T you can find the contact details of the Members of the TRAN Committee here (please note that there are several pages).

 Further Reading

Further information/justifications/arguments related to including EuroVelo in the TEN-T can be found on

About the Author 

Ed Lancaster, ECF Policy Officer for Regional Policy & Cycling Tourism -For the past 7 years, Ed has worked as a Town Planner for various local authorities in South East England and he has a Master’s degree in Town Planning from the University of Westminster. In his last role he was responsible for transport policies and strategy, as well as managing numerous cycling-related projects (e.g. providing new cycle infrastructure and running promotional activities).


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