‘The City of the Future’ Plenary

14 Jun, 2019
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Day one of Velo-city 2019 will start with a stimulating discussion: ‘The City of the Future’!

According to the developments of today, the city of the future promises a lot of innovation and smart tech approaches to urban life and mobility. From autonomous cars to flying autonomous pods, passing through all the new mobility storming the cities of today, a presentation of how the city of the future could look like will set the tone of this session. Are discussions of the city of the future shaping the city we want around the globe?

The discussion in this plenary session is a key discussion under all conference sub-themes: ‘Environment and Infrastructure’, ‘Health and Social’, and ‘Technology, Intelligent Transport Systems and Data Analytics’.

In order to answer the question above, experts from local governments, civil society, and the private sector will join a panel discussion to debate if the developments of today are guiding us to the city of the future that we want.

Mr. Klaus Bondam (Danish Cyclists Federation) has been the CEO of the Danish Cyclists’ Federation since 2014, representing the interests and working to improve cyclists’ conditions in Denmark. Klaus Bondam has a wide-ranging career spreading from nationwide famous actor, to Mayor of Technical and Environmental Affairs in Copenhagen and now to representative of the millions of everyday cyclists in Denmark.

Ms. Amanda Ngabirano (Makerere University/World Cycling Alliance) is an urban and regional planner, lecturing at Makerere University in Kampala. She is known to be so passionate about planned physical development for sustainability, vitality, and inclusiveness. She has been involved in several urban development projects locally, regionally as well as internationally, with a particular inclination to urban transport. Her passion and commitment towards smart cities is unrivalled.

Mr. Philippe Crist (OECD) is Advisor for Innovation and Foresight for the International Transport Forum (ITF) at the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). His work focuses disruptive urban mobility scenarios, including automated driving, and examines how car-based and active mobility, public transport and taxis must adapt to these.

Mr. Owen Keegan (Dublin City Council) was appointed as Chief Executive of Dublin City Council in September 2013 having served as Chief Executive of Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council (DLR) from February 2006. Before joining DLR he worked for Dublin City Council, where he was Assistant Chief Executive and then Director of Traffic.

Ms. Bronwen Thornton (Walk21 Foundation) is an advocate and expert on walking and walkable communities. She brings a voice for walking to the international stage, working with global agencies, (e.g. WHO, ITF, UN Environment, and World Bank) and within local communities, cities and professional arenas. She leads on the annual International Walk21 Conference on Walking and Liveable Communities and its growing legacy events and initiatives, such as the International Charter for Walking.

Mr. John McCarthy (ARUP) is the European Intelligent Mobility leader and informs the Global activity for Arup in the area of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles. He brings over 20 years of expertise to the role. He is a specialist in the delivery of Digital Services including areas such as Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs), Mobility as a Service (MaaS), Cyber Security and Transport Network Operations.

Join the discussion at Velo-city 2019! Click here to register for the conference.

'The City of the Future' Plenary will take place on Tuesday, June 25th 2019 at 9.00-10.00.
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