Tech Tuesday at Velo-city 2019

21 May, 2019
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Autonomy is more and more common in transport nowadays. During our ‘Autonomous Vehicles & Cycling - What's the Future?’ session we will discuss how will the future of mobility could and should look like? We’ll be looking at what the future holds for cyclists, pedestrians, and self-driving vehicles. How could the city of the future be designed to ensure inclusivity? Join us for our ‘Designing the Future City of 2030’ session to find out.

Around 60% of car trips worldwide are less than 8 kilometers and this is where micromobility solutions become essential. They are travel solutions for short distances that play a key role in solving modern urban challenges like congestion. Micromobility is a hot topic in ‘Is the bike the future or are there other alternatives?’. Where do e-scooters, hoverboards, mopeds, scooters, and electric bicycles belong in urban mobility and infrastructure?

Mobility as a service has the potential to alter the future ecosystem of urban mobility. Are you curious to find out how? Join ‘Bikes, MaaS & Regulation’ to discover where cycling stands in this discussion. How can we ensure that cycling remains part of the future ecosystem of urban mobility?

Are you a fan of cycling data and analytics? ‘Cycling Data - What's the use?’ might be the perfect place for you. Crowdsourced fitness apps offer a new source of data for transportation planning. Therefore, how can cycling infrastructure planning be enhanced using crowd-sourced GPS data? What about bicycle planning through user data?

Can Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) increase the modal shift of cycling? Safer, more efficient, and more sustainable transport can be a result of using Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) since they function by applying various information and communication technologies to all modes of passenger and freight transport. Learn about the Bicycle ITS Project during our ‘Bicycle ITS’ session.

Our ‘Dragon's Den/Innovation Pitch’ session will feature Smart Dublin, an initiative of the four Dublin local authorities (Dublin City Council, South Dublin County Council, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council, and Fingal County Council) to engage with smart technology providers, researchers and citizens to solve city challenges and improve quality of life.

Finish your Tech Tuesday by joining our ‘Policy - is it catching up with the Tech Development?’ plenary. You’ll get a holistic view on what is currently happening in tech development and whether policy is adapting fast enough to it or not.

Tuesday is not the only Velo-city day with tech sessions. Our ‘Technology, Intelligent Transport Systems and Data Analytics’ subtheme runs throughout the week. For more on this subtheme go to the Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday sessions below. To learn more about bike sharing and urban mobility come along to ‘Public Bike Sharing in Dense Mega-Cities’ on Wednesday, June 26th. For more on tech, artificial intelligence, and cycling data join us at ‘New Cycling Technologies’ on Thursday, June 27th. To find out how cities’ urban development and mobility management are impacted by dockless bike-sharing or e-scooters come to ‘The arrival of dockless two-wheeler- sharing: Adapting cities’ streets and infrastructure’ on Friday, June 28.

Bonus on this topic: a networking session and Technical Site Visit at Google EMEA headquarters Ireland! Keep an eye on the Velo-city website for more information on this.
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