Cycling Underwater Mini-Series. Sint-Annatunnel in Antwerp

25 Apr, 2019
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The historic Sint-Annatunnel under the Scheldt river in Antwerp is reserved for pedestrian and cyclists. Since 1933 it offers a shortcut to the city centre unavailable for cars. And you can still ride the original escalators!

Sint-Annatunnel is another tunnel under Scheldt in Antwerp, located two kilometers northeast from Kennedytunnel. It is much older – was opened in 1933 – and dedicated only for pedestrians and cyclists, without any space for cars. It is 572 m long and offers the possibility to cycle 31 m below the ground level. 

Despite an alternative ferry connection, the tunnel is very popular, as it provides direct access to the centre of Antwerp. It is also more convenient than Kennedytunnel. On both sides, access is provided both by escalators (still the original ones) and large lifts. The lifts have capacity of up to 40 persons each and one can easily ride into them with cargo bikes as well. 

Inside the tunnel.

Most of cyclists use historic escalators to access the tunnel.

The escalators are still the original ones, from 1932.

How to transport your bike on the escalator? Turn your front wheel.

Next to the escalators there are also large lifts.

The lifts have capacity of up to 40 persons each and one can easily ride into them with cargo bikes as well.

There is also an alternative ferry service for people who do not like tunnels.

NEXT STOP: The article is a part of a mini-series on underwater cycling tunnels. In the next one we will visit Rotterdam.


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Aleksander Buczynski's picture
Senior Policy Officer – Infrastructure

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