Healthy Employee, Mobile and Active (HEMA) – New Project on Physical Activity in the Workplace kicks off in Paris!

25 Jan, 2019
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The HEMA Project Kick-off meeting was held in Paris, France, on January 14-15.  Ten partners from seven countries met to pave the way for an exciting new project that intends to contribute to the European effort to further raise awareness of the importance of health-enhancing physical activity throughout increased participation in, and equal access to, sport for all, especially at the workplace.

HEMA Project Partners

“Healthy Employee, Mobile and Active” (HEMA) is a 3-year program intending to address the high level of physical inactivity in Europe. HEMA is supported and co-funded by the European Commission in the field of Erasmus + program and European Week of Sport. The workplace is identified as a key area to leverage these following figures.

  • 210 million Europeans are physically inactive, which costs the EU28 €80 billion per year and roughly 80% of local decision-makers are unaware of the figures and the situation in general – PASS Project, 2017
  • 13% of the physical active European citizens do it at work – Eurobarometer, 2017

The project’s innovative methodology will seek to associate physical activity to mobility schemes within companies. Activities will include:

  • A state of play and diagnostic regarding the levels of Physical Activity and mobility at work in Europe
  • A survey targeted at employers and employees to identify major levers and brakes
  • A pilot test implemented during three months in three countries Belgium, France and Latvia
  • A digital connected challenge for employees to measure their number of steps by walking, cycling or running
  • A conference in Brussels to discuss how to combine Physical Activity and mobility schemes


The meeting was hosted by the Lead Partner and coordinator European Federation for Company Sport (EFCS), and was a great opportunity for all partners to meet, discuss projects goals and lay down the foundations for the best way to achieve them.   

ECF is a proud partner of the project along with, Sport Vlaanderen (SV) – BELGIUM, City Council of Daugavpils – LATVIA, Club des Villes et Territoires Cyclables (CVTC) – FRANCE, University of Coimbra (UC) – PORTUGAL, Eesti Spordisemts Kalev – KALEV – ESTONIA, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Korinthia (CCK) – GREECE, European platform for Sport Innovation (EPSI) – BELGIUM, Tampereen Pyrinto ry - TAMPEREEN – FINLAND.




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Director Members & Networks

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