ECF headed to the cycling capital Copenhagen for the ITS Congress

24 Sep, 2018
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Cycling was a prominent topic at the 25th Intelligent Transport Systems World Congress, this year held between 17-21 September in Copenhagen.

The Opening Ceremony featured the highest authorities on intelligent mobility at global level. Christophe Najdosvki, ECF President and Deputy Mayor in Paris, gave an informative speech mentioning the importance for cyclists of “Safety in numbers” in a panel with Jean Todt, President of FIA and UN’s Special Envoy for Road Safety, and with Ninna Hedeager Olsen, Mayor of Technical and Environmental Affairs in Copenhagen. Violeta Bulc, EU Commissioner for Transport, was also on stage outlining the Commission’s priorities for the future of mobility; even Frederik, the Prince Crown of Denmark himself was there to kick-off the week!

The Congress

For the first time in the history of ITS Congresses, each and every one of the Opening Ceremony speakers mentioned the crucial role that cycling plays for the future of mobility and cities liveability. ECF work on ITS for cycling with the European Commission and other organisations, such as ERTICO, certainly had a strong impact in this respect.

At the Congress itself, several Panel discussions, debates, workshops and presentations featured cycling, peaking into the future of mobility and acknowledging cycling’s crucial role in any urban transportation system. In the best cycling city in the world, over 10,000 delegates from all over the globe had the opportunity to experience a great model for the theme of this year’s edition: Quality of Life.

A special reception

In order to regroup all the cycling advocates and experts at the Congress, the Danish Cyclists’ Federation (DCF) organized a special reception on Tuesday 18th. This was attended by the top professionals working on the promotion of cycling through new technologies and innovation (as well as more “traditional” ways).

In attendance were:

  • Philippe Crist, Advisor on Innovation and Foresight at OECD’s International Transport Forum
  • Tony Grimaldi, CEO of Cycleurope and founding member of ECF Cycling Industry Club
  • Klaus Bondam, CEO of DCF and Goodwill Ambassador for the Congress
  • Burkhard Stork, CEO of the German cyclists’ organisation ADFC
  • Morten Kabell, COO at Copenhagenize
  • Christophe Najdovski, current ECF President
  • Manfred Neun, former ECF President
  • Ninna Hedeager Olsen


Clearly, the future of cycling lies in good hands!

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Niccolò Panozzo's picture
Director - Communications

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