Velo-city 2018: Get to know the Plenary Speakers!

01 Jun, 2018
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Velo-city 2018 article series featuring mini interviews on plenary speakers continue with Stefanie Holzwarth, plenary speaker for the plenary: Global Policy.

Ms. Holzwarth is working as an Associate Human Settlements Officer in the Urban Mobility Unit at UN-Habitat, headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya. Stefanie is involved in providing knowledge, advocacy, and technical assistance to national governments and local authorities in the development and implementation of sustainable urban mobility strategies. In her work, she supports broad consultation processes of stakeholders to develop mobility strategies that are adapted to local needs, avails international expertise and best practices, and is also involved in capacity building, training events and city-to-city exchanges.

A quick chat with Stefanie Holzwarth:

  • What does Access to Life mean to you?

Being empowered to freely access any opportunities of interest and make the most out of them. Mobility might be key for “accessing” these. 

  • What cycling lessons are you bringing to Rio?

I believe that cyclists are the most healthy and happy human species. I wish that every urban decision-maker could be a cyclist. The world would be a better place and the cycling species would not fight for survival on the urban roads every single day. The reality is – however - that our cities make cars happy!

  • What are you looking forward to the most at Velo-city 2018?

Being inspired by like-minded cycling enthusiasts that jointly fight for better, greener and safer cities.  

  • What do you think is the added value of a global interdisciplinary approach to cycling?

This is needed as soon as yesterday! Research exists that shows the social, economic, environmental, and health return of urban cycling. We need to start understanding the linkages to other disciplines better – in order to be able to make a convincing “Business Case” for cycling.   

  • What will you visit by bike in Rio?

Will I make it up to Christo Redentor?

The “Global Policy” plenary is scheduled for Day 4 of Velo-city 2018; Friday 15th June 2018 at 09.00-10.00.

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